2 August 2020
Our Client Corner – August 2020
The following projects have all been delivered virtually using a variety of technologies:
- We have designed a virtual development centre for a group of 40 team leaders. This will provide them with insights on how to contribute to the design of a high impact Personal Development Plan (PDP), in advance of commencing their development programme #iLead. The development centre includes the completion of a bespoke 360 degree competency questionnaire (which Harvest designed), the completion of a psychometric questionnaire, and a one to one de-brief session. We have also trained the managers in how to conduct their PDP development meetings.
- We designed and delivered our first Insight Discovery Virtual Team development session, for a financial organisation. We created innovative exercises and the feedback was excellent. It is another example of how you can replicate an excellent classroom experience virtually, if you apply great design and skilled delivery.
- We are also starting a comprehensive diagnostic exercise, with a large financial retail organisation, where we will examine the sales through service approach and capability. A detailed report will then be prepared for the Board, and the recommendations will contribute to the strategic development of the organisation.